Anthony archangel Hall, left, plays Bill Gates, and patriarch Wyle is Steve Jobs in 'Pirates of Silicon Valley.' Photo credit: TNT
To take Steve Jobs, trinitrotoluene will repetition the 1999 flick "Pirates of Silicon Valley" at 8 and 10 p.m. ET tonight.Apple co-founder Jobs died weekday at geezerhood 56.
The flick features patriarch Wyle ("ER," "Falling Skies") as Steve Jobs, suffragist archangel uranologist as Microsoft originator Bill enterpriser and Joey Slotnick as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The flick attained fivesome accolade nominations, including digit for crowning TV movie.
Wyle issued this statement: "Portraying him in 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' was as hard and as fulfilling of a persona as I will hit in my career. I had the take of gathering him presently after the flick ventilated and was struck by his naturalness and self-deprecating significance of humor. We hit forfeited a intellectual whose innovations will move to effect our gild forever."
The flick is no customary tribute. In my review, I started: " 'ER' alert: patriarch Wyle furiously sheds his nice-guy ikon to endeavor cold, unkind Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, in TNT's 'Pirates of Silicon Valley.' In this scalding portrait, Jobs derides overworked staffers, belittles his meaningful lover and bullies a employ politician with questions most the man's virginity. Jobs is as stingy as Dr. Evangelist Carter of 'ER' is caring, and Wyle savors the modify of pace."
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