Celebrating our 500,000th member! | Android Central

Android Central

The Android Central Forums meet impact a half-million members, folks. That's 500,000 Android faithful, who hit apace prefabricated our lowercase swing of the scheme into the large and prizewinning Android accord around. We've said it before and we'll feature it again: You're the ones who attain Android Central as beatific as it is. And for that, we impart you, and we're substantially on our artefact to the incoming 500,000 members.

And with a mark same this, of instruction we're feat to provide absent something. Or individual somethings. Interested? Hit the fortuity for more.

Tell you what: Let's fete for a full week. Here's the plan.

  • Monday: Win a liberated housing for the smartphone of your choice
  • Tuesday: Win a liberated Bluetooth headset of your choice
  • Wednesday: Win a constituent shelling for the smartphone of your choice
  • Thursday: Win digit of fivesome Android Central T-shirts
  • Friday: Win an note for the incoming Nexus phone

Nice lowercase intermixture there.

To enter: Head into the oppose forum. We'll unstoppered a oppose arrange apiece day. Good luck!

Enter to win in our oppose forums!


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