Pantech Breakout Android Smartphone Can Tether the Most Devices to Verizon's 4G LTE Network

A leaked traveller pass the rumored Pantech Breakout Android smartphone indicates that the figure haw be a mid-range to high-end smartphone on Verizon Wireless's ontogeny 4G LTE network, connexion the ranks of the LG Revolution, Samsung Droid Charge, and HTC Thunderbolt. With a 1 rate CPU, 512 MB of RAM, Android Gingerbread, face and side cameras, the figure should interval nicely with the 3 underway Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Android smartphones and meet beneath the Droid Bionic from Motorola–that figure has a dual-core mainframe and broad partitioning qHD display.

The engrossing things noted on the figure is that the Pantech Breakout crapper restraint up to 10 devices onto the Verizon 4G LTE network, which is the most based for tethering on some network. The Samsung Mobile Hotspot along with the Samsung Droid Charge crapper restraint up to 8 patch the HTC Thunderbolt supports a more accepted 5 devices. Though you crapper restraint up to decade devices, having 10 devices deal the bandwidth would stingy that the speeds would be mutual between every devices, gift apiece figure an coverall slower meshwork admittance pace than if you had less devices. At the end, it's pleasant to hold more devices tethered to the aforementioned phone or ambulatory hotspot, but the more devices you hit on that diminutive point meshwork effectuation that you will intend slower speeds overall.

Another delicacy is that Pantech will be connexion its large rivals in transfer a bespoken UI to the device, which the leaked Verizon leaflet is detailing as the Pantech UI. The Pantech UI will be competing with HTC Sense, MOTO BLUR, and Samsung's TouchWiz UI as a bespoken programme on crowning of what looks to be Android Gingerbread for the Breakout. It's blurred how customers will move to the Pantech UI.

Pricing and availability are not still famous for the Breakout at this time.

Via: Android Central

Tags: 4G, Android, Gingerbread, LTE, Pantech, Pantech Breakout, Pantech UI, SIM, smartphone, verizon

Category: Mobile

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Tech protagonist in Silicon Valley enjoying the possibilities of present connectivity, aggregation sharing, and cooperation enabled by ambulatory broadband. You crapper occurrence Chuong on Twitter @chuongvision or with the aforementioned ID on Skype.


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