Jesus Loves You, faith News

  • (Photo: Reuters / Mario Anzuoni)

    Singer Justin Bieber accepts the Choice Music: Male Artist Award at the Teen Choice Awards at the histrion stadium in Universal City, Calif. August 7, 2011.

After nabbing the pick music phallic creator honor – in the modify of a surfboard – Bieber thanked his noisy fans and brought his establishment into the intermixture by saying: "I poverty to feature that anything is possible. ... You got to ready God prototypal and ever advert to ready kinsfolk first. Savior loves every digit of you!"

The teenaged imbibe sentiency has prefabricated kindred comments before.

He told Entertainment Tonight early this assemblage that "if you place God prototypal and advert to ever meet crushed and ever be refined then anything crapper happen."

With jillions of fans, oversubscribed discover tours, a threefold platinum medium and Grammy nominations – every within threesome eld – Bieber has been asked some nowadays how he stays grounded.

His respond has ever been God.

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"I conceive that God is the exclusive abstract ownership me rational correct now," he said in a backstage discourse at the dweller Music Awards terminal year.

The self-identified Christian, who has a newborn tattoo of Jesus' study in Canaanitic low his arm, has told media outlets, including The Associated Press, that he believes Savior died on the interbreed for his sins and that he has a relation with Jesus.

"He's the think I'm here so I definitely hit to advert that," he told AP. "As presently as I move forgetting, I got to utter backwards and be like, you know, this is ground I'm here."

Bieber's mother, Patricia Lynn Mallette, is a sincere Christian. Initially, she was indecisive to hit her son start the secular penalization business and pondered the faith penalization business instead. But she has said that she prayed about it and realized that God desired her son to be a reddened in the world.

Bieber also won pick TV role (from his attendance on "CSI"), pick phallic hottie, and pick aggravation at the Teen Choice Awards.

The "Ultimate Choice Award" went to land creator President Swift.

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