Android Ice Cream Sandwich Unofficial Launcher and Screenshots [Download]

Before we intend started what we hit here are screenshots of Android 2.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, or at small the armament streaming on a phone. This is an summary armament of Android 2.4 Ice Cream Sandwich prefabricated by a whatever awing developers over at XDA and we hit whatever pictures for you and a video.

We are ease hunting for whatever info as to what every this contains but from what we are chance and sight this is a 3rd band armament prefabricated from previous leaked screenshots, as substantially as rumors of what Android 2.4 Ice Cream Sandwich will contain. What these sharp developers hit finished is derived the images from the leaked ICS screenshots and additional whatever settings and options supported on a whatever rumors and matured a pretty awing and actualised hunting bag equal armament for Android supported on ICS.

I've apace installed this to my sound and so farther it looks awesome, this is exclusive currently an alpha physique and they hit whatever impact to do, but so farther I fuck it. Screen animations patch scrolling needs whatever transformation but another than that this is quite impressive. Hitting the multi-tasking fix doesn't bring up actualised previously launched apps same Honeycomb, kinda a populated list. That and the settings fix doesn't work.

ICS 2.4 Launcher alpha hands-on

For more info and pictures regarding this awing armament nous to XDA forums and tie in on the discussion. — Thanks @htcclay

Ice Cream Sandwich 2.4 Launcher – Download

[via XDA Forums]


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